I don't really need an excuse to head to the Jersey Shore, but a Turkey Trot that starts and ends near my favorite bar -- now that is the BEST reason to be in Squan in the off-season. Now this Trot I've been talking about -- it's a five mile run. And when I first heard this, I was psyched, and thought it was a good even to "train" for. But what did I do? I WALKED the one mile. Yup, walked. We clocked in at a respectable 17 and half or so minutes.
But in my defense, I DID participate in a raucous scavenger hunt at the bar the night before, which ended in me winning a ski trip!

Any night that starts AND ends with jello shots is a success if you ask me. Doesn't always feel that way in the morning though. We walked our mile and set up shop outside our friend's house to offer beer and shots to the "real" runners of the five miler.
It was a BEAUTIFUL day for running. Or watching. And drinking beers. And singing so loudly your throat hurts. Because that's what I did on Saturday. How was your weekend?!
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