well i know i've done this before, but i'm REALLY back. it's been two years but a lot has happened.
first and foremost:
i have finally come to terms with the fact that food effects me. it effects my stomach and digestion. it effects my hair! my skin! my ability to feel energized. i'm not going to lie, it took doing a #whole30 (more on that later) to realize that certain foods make me feel a certain way.
for me, processed, gluten-y foods make me feel yucky! too much dairy also makes me feel that way. i can eat other carbs, like rice and potatoes without issue. this was LIFE CHANGING! my skin improved, my energy increased, my clothes fit better!
do why i am STILL complaining? because it's easy to slide back into old habits. i know i need to be more consistent with diet AND exercise. but it's hard in the real world. right now, i'm focusing on moving more and eating better 80% of the time. and don't worry, i'm still using mani/pedi and massages as non-food rewards.