Thursday, January 26, 2012

Shorts in January

The virus is gone and this girl is back! Since I've been gone:

The Giants have made it to the SUPERBOWL!
my good luck charm is really my g-men underwear. i swear!

I traveled to Brooklyn, where I TRIED to gallivant with hipsters, but instead heard the most amazing acoustic music by some of my favorite bands with fabulous friends.
there's a fine line between hipster and homeless!

I've been running my ass off. IN SHORTS. This has been a pretty amazing January for those of us in the Northeast. We've had some days in the 50's. And only one snow (not counting the freakish Halloween snow storm). I was psyched to get off the dreadmill and run outside a few times.

While the running is going well, I swear I'm hungry all the time! This led to Margarita Monday:  in the form of delish mexican food and margs, Vegan Tuesday: unfulfilling until I realized there was a 16 Handles a few blocks away, Restaurant Week Wednesday: West Five Supper club in Hoboken has the best crab and artichoke dip, but the shots of Jameson are optional.

I ignored all phone calls and texts today and came home after work, relaxed, did my taxes, and got in a good run. I'm blogging from my big, fabulous bed and it feels great to be home tonight.

Most importantly, I stuck with my running schedule despite a busy week. How do you balance exercise with real life?

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Dear Virus, You suck!

So my laptop has been infected! My dad says it's not a virus and he can fix it but I'm feeling lost without my computer - and I'm sure the blogosphere is feeling lost without me (one can only hope)!

I'm blogging from my iPhone tonight-now that's dedication! And I've found what might be my first race of 2012: Fool's Run in Manasquan, NJ

I'm hoping to squeeze another short race or two in before then so that I'll be really ready for this one! I've found some running friends but since none of us live that close we just have to check in with each other about our running! Of course we do live close enough to have indulged in some fabulous Italian food at Patsy's tonight! But today was a rest day and I resisted having ice cream!

I'm notorious for rewarding myself (even with workout goals) with food. What are some good non-caloric treats? I love working towards a goal!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

The First Run of 2012

It might've taken me almost a week to do it, but I'm back in the game. I went for a run yesterday in the glorious, 50-something-degree weather that NJ has been blessed with. It felt amazing to be outside running. But this wasn't my first foray into cardio this year.

I started out the week bowling with my dear friend Carol. I always forget how much I love to go bowling. I also forget how badly I suck at it.

But back to the run. I've been on the treadmill so much I forgot how nice it is to breath fresh air and see something besides a green wall (the gym in my building is not particularly well designed). If these unseasonably warm days can continue (and it's looking like the will) I will be a happy camper!

Speaking of camp, when I was running last night (and petrified of getting lost in my own complex), I actually felt like I was at summer camp! Did your camp look anything like this:
If I'm being realistic, my camp didn't look much like this photo either, but I'm telling you, while I was running, I felt like I was back at Town and Country, wearing a scrunchie and trying to get out of instructional swim.

I'm still working on my to-do list for 2012. I think I should get until the end of January to make a final list. And I might even be able to cross something off the list before it's posted :)

Does the weather effect your exercise habits? I usually do well in the cold weather months, but nothing beats being outside!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Hammy New Year!

Happy 2012!

My extended weekend included amazing music, fabulous friends, a lot of food, and even more drinks.

the star of our nye show. the ham.

I'm a bad blogger. My camera (with so many pictures on it that it died at the end of the night) did not make it home with me after my weekend shenanigans. Thankfully, it is not lost, but I left it at a friend's house, so when I see him, you'll see pictures. Until then, I'll be making do with iPhone shots and ones I steal from everyone else's Facebook.

I'm still working on my list of things I'd like to do in 2012, but I know that running some small races in preparation of a half marathon will definitely be part of it. I'm thankful I live so close to the greatest city in the world (New York, duh!) where there are so many fun runs to choose from.

But for now, I need to see who gets eliminated from The Bachelor. Yup, I said it. Major drama already. I might not tolerate drama in my real life, but you better believe I love it on television. Do you like trashy reality television too?