i'm one of those people who gets bitten by mosquitos like crazy! when i was a baby, i got bit and the bite was so big my mom took me took to the pediatrician because she thought i was going to die (i was her first, she was over-dramatic). clearly, i lived to tell the story, but i still get bites like crazy. on a trip to jamaica my legs were literally covered. we lost count at 32 bites. on one leg.
well today is the day. i woke up with a mosquito bite on my leg, and thought: summer is here!!!! i know summer doesn't really start until tomorrow for us northeasterner's.
(memorial day weekend = start of summer, labor day weekend = end of summer)
i am even more excited because this summer i have a summer house at the jersey shore. c'mon you know you want to fist pump to that! i know i do :) i'm in a house with some of my best girlfriends, right on the beach. it's going to be an amazing summer. now i also have that pesky little thing called the
bar exam, but we'll get to that later.
this week has been crazy getting ready for the house. i was in charge of all the house supplies, as well as getting all of my stuff in order. but that didn't stop me from picking up some skirts at H&M and cute dresses at Old Navy. i also treated myself to the cutest cooler bag from
Lilly Pulitzer. its so big it will definitely double as a beach bag. and it came with a beer can/wine opener.
summer shopping! and some oldies... |
packed and ready to roll. note: this doesn't include food or clothes :)
all this beach preperation has also had my butt in the gym hardcore. i've been making it to spin at least 5 days a week, but i know i need to reach out of my comfort zone. my feet had been giving me trouble, so i've laid off the running for a bit. but tonight, i'm going to try a body conditioning class at NYSC. i'm excited, because i love weight training. plus, if i work hard, i'll earn a slice of cheesecake (hitting cheesecake factory post-gym for a birthday dinner with my girls to kick off our weekend a little early).
how do you switch up your workouts? i feel like spin is the best cardio - but i need motivation in weights.
what are you summer plans? do you love the beach as much as i do?